The Most Impactful Books
The books that most transformed my (recent) life…
As I’ve shared, the past six years have been an amazing series of whirlwind transformational “death & rebirth” journeys. During this time, I never had one main guru or teacher, nor a lineage that I dedicated my life to. I’m grateful for this as it opened the door to an ocean of teachers and teachings, each of which seemed to provide the perfect medicine at the perfect moment.
Recently, a number of people have been asking me for book recommends, so I made this list of my favorite reads and decided to publish it here :)
The books below are loosely listed chronologically in the order that I read them, though often the insights and teachings would weave and synthesize over time in a beautifully nonlinear way.
Books in bold are ones that “rocked my world” when I read them, though all of these books changed and shaped my life forever.
A massive THANK YOU to all the souls who wrote these works and poured their hearts into them. I live in service of my gratitude for you. And a deep bow to the mystery of existence whose intelligence and design continues to leave me in infinite awe and wonder 🙏❤️
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller
- Lost Connections by Johann Hari
- Tribe by Sebastian Junger
- The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller
- Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch
- Nature & Human Soul by Bill Plotkin
- Wild Mind by Bill Plotkin
- The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Luiz
- More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein
- Waking Up To The Dark by Clark Strand
- Belonging by Toka-pa Turner
- Sacred Instructions by Sheri Mitchell
- A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber
- The Naked Now by Richard Rohr
- Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
- Changes of Mind by Jenny Wade
- The Listening Society by Hanzi
- 1000 by Ramaji & Ananda Devi
- Integral Life Practice by multiple authors
- Reinventing Organizations (illustrated version) by Frederick LaRoux
- Streams of Wisdom by Dustin DiPerna
- Transcend by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Recapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal
- The Golden Thread by Holly Woods
- Cohering The Integral WeSpace by Olen Gunnlaugson & Michael Brabant
- The End Of Your World by Adyashanti
- I Am That by Nisagradatta Maharaj
- No Boundary by Ken Wilber
- The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
- LSD and the Mind of the Universe by Chris Bache
- The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
- The Three Stages of Intimacy by David Deida
- The Eye of the I by David Hawkins
- Facets of Unity by AH Almaas
- The One of Us by Adyashanti and Mukti
- Evolutionary Gestures by Alexander Love (not yet publicly released)
- Evolutionary Enlightenment by Andrew Cohen
- Seeing that Frees by Rob Burbea
- At One Ment by Thomas McConkie
- The Eye of the Heart by Cynthia Bourgeault
- Runaway Realization by AH Almaas
Feel free to reach out if I can help recommend a book, teaching or teacher!